• 561-339-2429
  • studentsuccessskills.aec@gmail.com




The Exceptional Student Success Skills (ESSS) program is a school counselor delivered planned
core curriculum and small group program designed with consideration to learning capacities of
exceptional student populations and aims to amplify a student’s internal cognitive capacities.
The ESSS program is based on one of the most researched counselor-led programs to date, the
Student Success Skills. The philosophical underpinning of the ESSS and SSS programs are
consistent with the Advocating for Student within Environment theory. That is, both
curriculums were created from the philosophic conviction that all students have the potential
to achieve; however, such ability is marred by environmental factors (Villares, Lemberger,
Brigman, & Webb, 2011).

ESSS Research Summary_Table of Contents